Pomôžte nám prosím zistiť v našom prieskume ako je Ariana Richards známa na Slovensku a v Čechách a zahlasujte v ankete.

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The First Slovak Unofficial Website

Články - Ariana Richards

V tejto sekcii sa nachádza nezoradený zoznam článkov a originálny prepis Arianinej správy pre fanúšikov.

Aktuálne sú dostupné nasledujúce články:

Ariana je lepšia než Picasso?! Dva články zo StatesmanJournal o neúmyselne "ukradnutej" Arianinej maľbe:

Thief with taste? Messenger framed? 'CSI: Salem' on case
Case of the missing Picasso solved masterfully

Thousand Oaks Acorn - Učiteľka ktorá unikla dinosaurom.

This teacher escaped death by dinosaur

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Hi! This is Ariana.

I know I haven't been able to keep up communication as well as i would like with you because of my commitments, so I would like to give you a personal voice message. You may wonder what I fill my days with now that I am focusing on developing my art career, so I thought I'd give you an example of a day in the life of Ariana as an artist.

I think I will begin with a story of how I was out painting, and someone came up to me and said, "Oh that is so wonderful that you get to paint! It must be so relaxing!" Being a painter may be many things, but it is not relaxing! When you are working on a painting you must use the right and left brain in concert to balance inspiration and technique. I ask myself, "Am I going to make the painting loose, painterly and bold, or am I going to make it sensitive and more rendered?" These and many more questions fill my mind as I choose the subject and as I paint.

It seems like there is never enough time to paint! I have galleries calling me saying they need work for a show I'm in, and it is a constant struggle just to get enough work done; also I do commisioned work part time - portraits and landscapes. It is important to participate in juried exhibitions and museum shows, so I add those to my gallery schedule. I spend albout half my time at the easel, and the other half my time networking and managing my computer database, updates on my art website and contacting and maintaining relationships with collectors and fellow artists. I get all my artwork photographed and wrap it and ship it myself; I maintain my inventory of frames and art materials. I also spend time scouting for good locations to paint or preparing my ideas and sketches for figurative pieces. If that wasn't enough, I'm also a co-founder of an art group in Santa Barbara, California - I help to manage their activities.

But you know all this said, I still get treated like royalty. Artists are celebrities too! I enjoy the glamour of dressing up in evening wear and going to gala art events. I still find myself featured on the covers of magazines, and I'm often asked to sign my autograph on my articles. Another benefit of being an artist is that I get to experience first hand the beauty of the places that I paint, and I have the flexibility to travel to different regions for painting if I wish. One of the greatest fullfillments is when someone is truely moved by my work. As some of my collectors have said, "Everytime I see the painting in the house, it makes me feel happy." That is one of my best rewards.

Hopefully this clears up why you haven't much from me lately. But I want to know that I keep you in my thoughts, and I appreciate you being there for me. I send all my best to you. Until next time.


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